Please join Avrum Rosensweig tomorrow at 8 pm for Avrum's Chumash class on Parshat Metzorah
IS THERE A GOD? how do you know? Does God bring us good things and bad things, or only the good stuff? We thank God for positivity in our lives. Should we also thank Him/Her for the negative stuff, or what appears to be so?
Tonight Avrum will Discuss:
1. Lashon ha'rah (gossip) in the context of metzorah (blemishes). If it is a mitzvah to not speak lashon ha'rah, is it a mitzvah to speak lashon tov (good talk)?
2. Ask why the metzorah (the blemished) slaughters a wild bird, and then sends a second one off into the sky?
Please feel free to email with any questions. Topic: Avrums Chumash Journey Shiur (Class) Time: Thursday April 7, 8:00 PM